Fuel Exploration. Find Inspiration.
At the middle school level, learning is designed to foster exploration and nurture creativity as students consider their future. We’re serious about building inclusive spaces because it gives students the best chance to continue healthy self-discovery as they bridge into our high school experience.
Middle School Pathways
Fuel Exploration
Grades 6–8 are marked by a time of self-discovery and finding belonging. Students see their interests validated and are supported as they consider ways to create a life they will love. We want students to feel empowered and excited as they begin to think about their high school experience.
AVID College Readiness
District 191 secondary schools offer AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), a college prep program designed to increase the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges. AVID serves all students by ensuring they acquire the organizational and study skills needed for them to be successful. Students learn academic strategies to develop critical thinking skills and ask probing questions.
Middle School Curriculum
Digital Learning
In middle school, students in 6th and 7th grade take a digital exploratory classes that teach age-appropriate technology skills and embed those skills as they learn how to make videos, study copyright laws, learn web design, computer animation, and programming, and investigate careers in these areas. In 8th grade, students are able to take One91 Pathways technology electives that enable deeper exploration.
Embedded Honors
Embedded honors opportunities will be available to students that provide enhanced rigor, primarily through the complexity of the work and materials in core subject areas (literary arts, social studies and science). This allows students to try more rigorous work within their classroom, removing the barriers associated with traditional honors classes by opening up the opportunity to each student.
Assessments in District 191 are used to ensure accountability increase student achievement.
- Develop focused instruction and interventions to increase student achievement
- Examine data for instructional planning
- Design and implement staff professional development programs to meet specific academic areas