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With parent-teacher conferences approaching, parents and guardians may be wondering how you can make sure you’re getting what you need out of the experience to best support your student’s education. Conferences provide a valuable opportunity to collaborate, gain insights, and strengthen the partnership between home and school. Here are some tips for how to make the most out of your parent-teacher conference
Preventing bullying at school is a team effort that involves families, staff and students. By teaching your child to be a positive force for change and promoting a culture of respect and kindness, you can contribute to a safer and more inclusive school environment. Here are some ways in which your child can help prevent bullying at school.
Waad salaaman tihiin Qoysaska One91 - Ka qaybqaadashada ilmahaaga iyo ka shaqaynta dugsiga ayaa aad muhiim ugu ah degmada dugsigeena. Had iyo jeer, imaanshaha wakhtiga waa mid ka mid ah waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan marka ay timaaddo waxtarka dugsiga.
La participación de su hijo y el éxito en la escuela es tan importante para nuestro distrito escolar. La asistencia regular y puntual es uno de los factores más importantes cuando se trata del éxito académico.
Your child’s engagement and success in school is so important to our school district. Regular, on-time attendance is one of the most important factors when it comes to academic success.
Any student who believes they have been the target or victim of bullying or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute bullying or prohibited conduct should report it immediately to an appropriate school district official.