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middle school student working on a clay project

Welcome to 6th Grade at Nicollet!

Middle school is marked by a time of self-discovery and finding belonging. Students see their interests validated and are supported as they consider ways to create a life they will love. 

explore middle school

Explore Nicollet Middle School Open House

Learn about what the One91 middle school experience looks like at Nicollet, meet school staff and ask questions about middle school, signing up for courses and more!

The Explore Middle School Open House is Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 6-7:30 p.m at Nicollet Middle School.


The One91 Middle School Experience


Built on deep, nuanced learning.

With rigorous curriculum to challenge all learners and varied assessments to appropriately measure progress, our middle school experience has been designed to prepare students for future success.


Building skills and self-confidence.

We know that investing in tomorrow’s leaders means giving them opportunities to grow and learn today. Through programs like Where Everybody Belongs (WEB), older students act as mentors for incoming sixth-grade students and help ease the transition from elementary school life.


Student-centered environments.

We keep our schools safe and inclusive by choosing students over scores, time and again. At the middle school level, we’ve made renewed efforts to engage families, make guidance and support services accessible, and emphasize health and wellness in our curriculum.

Middle School Pathways Stories

shrey pothini
  • Announcements
  • Building Community
  • Pathways & Partnerships

No single person embodies the culture of community service in District 191 quite like Shrey. Growing up in Savage, Shrey was surrounded by a family who showed him different aspects of the world, teachers who encouraged him, and a community who rallied behind his efforts. It started when he was three years old and his mother Seema took him to a local teen homeless shelter where she served on the board. 

Read More about Young but Powerful: The Story of Service Day Saturday
In One91 middle schools, students learn important social and emotional skills that help make them Future Ready and Community Strong
  • Pathways & Partnerships

SEL is an integral part of education and human development. It’s the process through which young people and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to do several things — recognizing and managing their emotions, demonstrating caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively.

Read More about In One91 middle schools, students learn important social and emotional skills that help make them Future Ready and Community Strong
student and teacher smile
  • Building Community
  • Pathways & Partnerships

Making community happen at a school-size scale is no easy task. You need coordinated effort from staff, students and administration, plus a vision that’s compelling enough to catch fire. And that’s exactly what District 191 Middle School leaders believe can happen with the Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) program.

Read More about Welcoming sixth graders with WEB Program develops student leaders and helps ease the transition to middle school
student works in a makerspace
  • Pathways & Partnerships

The model - which we’re calling Pathways K-12 - builds on the work we are already doing in elementary schools. It also aligns with the Pathways model at Burnsville High School that helps students find their passions, understand how classes and careers fit together, and prepare for success after graduation. 

Read More about Creating Equitable Programming And Pathways For All District 191 Students